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Individual Assessments And Profiles
ADVanced Insights
You won't find a more insightful tool for pre-employment, pre-promotion, customizing job descriptions, strengthening teams, coaching, developing employees, benchmarking positions, and self-analysis. It can be used in numerous ways. Here are a few:
ADVanced Insights is a battery of three assessments that help ensure optimal performance:
Each of these is available individually, and each is powerful on its own. But when used together, they provide ADVanced Insights. Detail on each component follows... Attribute Index
Most popular assessments were originally designed for clinical use, not business. But the Attribute Index (AI) was designed specifically for use in organizations from the very beginning. Its content, format, and output are specifically tailored to the needs of managers and executives. The AI is unique in its ability to assess how individuals perceive themselves and the world around them. It provides penetrating clarity about how people make decisions and what core attributes they possess. Another important quality sets the Attribute Index apart from any other assessment. Its unique design makes it impossible to "stack" answers in order to influence the final report. There is no perceivable relationship between the questions and what the Attribute Index measures. And it takes only about 10 minutes to complete! Targeted reports are available for a number of roles including Executive Leadership, Team Leadership, Management, Sales, and Customer Service. The Attribute Index is proven to meet the rigorous standards for employment assessments referenced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). It has been validated in over 28 individual studies which were conducted over 20 years by more than 19 separate examiners. Validation studies are documented in Construct Validity, Concurrent Validity, Face Validity and Predictive Validity. Ongoing research continues to underscore the value of this unique psychometric assessment tool. DISC Index This is not just your standard DISC! Our tool's unique design results in profiles that are 10x more granular and reports that are 10x more individualized than other DISC profiles. Many factors contribute to this, including the first ever click-and-drag DISC instrument and our use of answer ranking rather than answer elimination. Also unique to our DI is the individual treatment given to each DISC dimension. This provides increased value in helping individuals understand how each dimension can be used to support success. Finally, our DISC Index report includes relevance-building exercises and summary questions to help individuals apply their profile insights specifically toward personal and professional success. DISC Index is fully validated and exceeds standards set by the EEOC for validity and reliability. Values Index Our VI delivers the most comprehensive understanding available of an individual's unique value system, motivators, and personal drivers by combining the work of Dr. Eduard Spranger and Dr. Gordon Allport into a single profile. Only a few values profiles exist on the market today, and only ours merges these two theories of human behavior. You receive the most complete understanding of what drives an individual and what rewards him/her with a sense of accomplishment. This understanding helps ensure optimal motivation, passion, and drive to achieve the highest levels of personal and professional success. The Values Index is fully validated and exceeds standards set by the EEOC for validity and reliability. To learn more about how these assessments might benefit your organization, call Strategic Alignment Group LLC at 330.465.0927 or follow this link to contact us by email. |