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Organizational Diagnosis With DIALOG


DIALOG (which stands for Data Indicating ALignment of Organizational Goals) is a penetrating diagnostic tool for identifying both the strongest and the least aligned areas of an organization.

Organizations whose systems and people are properly aligned achieve far greater success.

dialogdialog page 2DIALOG provides valuable insight into how well critical organizational elements work together and support each other in achieving strategic and operational goals. It also identifies which of these critical elements work against success.

DIALOG is structured around the Baldrige Quality Categories (the NIST's 7 Criteria for Performance Excellence):

  1. Leadership
  2. Strategic Planning
  3. Customer and Market Focus
  4. Measurement and Analysis
  5. Human Resources
  6. Process Management, and
  7. Business Results

Objective and subjective data are combined into an Analysis and Recommendations report. The entire process is completed in about 2 weeks, requires little time commitment by any one person, and is surprisingly affordable.

Interrelationships in an organization are critical to predicting success. For example, if Marketing and R&D don’t work together well, a company may produce products or services that no one buys. Similarly, if an organization’s structure doesn't support its strategy, the strategy will fail.

DIALOG measures the interrelationship of these essential organization characteristics to predict future strength. We focus only on the outcomes of relevant activities.

DIALOG blends results from two sources in analyzing organizational data: an online assessment and personal interviews. The assessment gathers depth of understanding from employees at all levels and determines directional trends. Personal interviews are conducted by a trained facilitator to understand the intensity of feelings within the organization.

The seven steps of our value-packed DIALOG process are:

  1. Collect results from the DIALOG online Instrument
  2. Conduct Anonymous, Personal Interviews With A Representative Sample Of Staff
  3. Score, Collate, and Analyze Results From #1 and #2
  4. Present Results to Senior Leadership
  5. Discuss Positive and Negative Internal Influences
  6. Perform a Gap Analysis
  7. Provide Directional Recommendations

To learn more about how this diagnostic tool might benefit your organization, call Strategic Alignment Group LLC at 330.465.0927 or follow this link to contact us by email.