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Team Leadership and Supervisor Development

Team Leaders and Supervisors are the primary link between your organization’s goals and the people who turn those goals into results. The attitudes, decisions and actions of your Team Leaders affect profit, productivity, service levels, and morale.

Most Team Leaders and Supervisors, however, are not well equipped. They have had little or no preparation for effective leadership.

Through one-on-one coaching or group facilitation, we enhance the effectiveness of new and existing Team Leaders.

We begin with a battery of assessments that help determine how a Team Leader can most effectively lead according to his or her natural talents and value system. We then develop the Team Leader's core abilities through one-on-one coaching relationships (or group facilitation when requested).

Team Leaders apply new skills and habits directly to their jobs while they work with us and are held accountable for progress. This assures sustainable, positive change.

After our initial coaching (typically 12 one-hour meetings), we continue with accountability coaching at intervals of 1, 2, 6, 10, and 16 months with goals and accountabilities between meetings - instilling leadership and goal achievement as a permanent and sustainable part of the Team Leader's life.

Each developmental process is highly customized. Following is a typical developmental path:

Modern Team Leadership
Evolution of team leadership; Overview of skills; Role definition; Organizational commitment

Concept and Definition; Authority vs. Power; Directing Change; Leading and following

Goal Setting and Success
Importance of goals; How to define goals so they will be achieved; Tools for goal-setting; A process for goal-setting; Overcoming obstacles

Turning Solutions Into Actions
Define action steps; Overcoming procrastination; Dealing with frustration; Courage

Organizational Goal Setting
Aligning your goals to organizational goals; The power of organizational goals; Criteria for developing organizational goals; Developing organizational goals; The Team Leader's role in achieving organizational goals

Time Management
Common Enemies of Time; Planning with a Purpose; A Time Management System that Works; Action Steps for Making the Most of Your Time

Motivation And Confidence
Types of motivation; The power of attitude motivation; Building confidence in yourself and those you manage; Confidence inhibitors

Building A Successful Team
Understanding your team’s competencies; Developing Trust; Delegation; Your relationship with your Boss

Managing Performance
Setting the Stage for Performance; Techniques  for Better Training; Sustaining Performance; Continuous Feedback; Principles of Reinforcement

Employee Evaluation And Discipline
Conducting an employee evaluation; Measuring standards; The development cycle; Taking corrective action; Common problems and simple solutions; Discipline; Creating the proper climate for productivity; The disciplinary Interview

Decision Making
Ethics and Integrity; Importance of decision making; How Courage affect Decision Making; How Emotions affect Decisions; Making Quality Decisions; The Elements of Decision Making

To learn more, call Strategic Alignment Group at 330.465.0927 or email us here.